Enterprise and Business Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 3 - Senedd



Meeting date:
22 March 2012


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Siân Phipps
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8582






Private Pre-meeting (09.15 - 09.30)



1.   Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2.   Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports - Evidence session (09.30 - 10.30) (Pages 1 - 11)

Cruise Wales

Brian King, Vice Chair

Wyn Parry, Member


Irish Ferries

Paddy Walsh, UK Ports Manager



3.   Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports - Ministerial Scrutiny Session (10.30 - 11.30) (Pages 12 - 15)

Edwina Hart AM- Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science

Carl Sargeant AM - Minister for Local Government and Communities 

Jeff Collins, Director Delivery, Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science



4.   Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports - Evidence session (11.30 - 12.15) (Pages 16 - 29)

Rail Freight Group

Robin Smith, Wales Representative


Road Haulage Association

Peter Cullum, Head of International Affairs

Freight Transport Association

Christopher Snelling, Head of Rail Freight & Global Supply Chain Policy



5.   Papers to note  (Pages 30 - 35)

Note of EU Procurement task and finish group on 8 February
